I missed the deadline to do the official six sentence Sunday (again!), but I thought I’d share another snippet from Swimming the Distance from the Going for Gold anthology which released on Friday from MLR. One of the things that I really love is figuring out how my characters see each other. This is how Bohdan sees Kyle:
That got a genuine smile from Kyle at last and some of the tightness in Bohdan’s chest eased. When he smiled, Kyle looked younger and mischievous — like a misplaced Weasley sibling from Harry Potter. The preppy, gay Weasley — his styled red hair, designer green pullover, and expensive loafers were a contrast to Bohdan’s decades-old jeans and sponsor-donated sneakers. Kyle embraced his preferences — from cashmere to Shaker furniture to subway tile. It was that enthusiasm, the absolute comfort Kyle had in his own skin that had first drawn Bohdan in.
Be sure to check out the other Six Sentence Sunday entries or follow along on twitter #sixsunday. I’m setting a reminder to join the official list next Sunday.