Fall is upon us, and this year, that means BAD DEAL season is almost here! The third A-List security SEAL bodyguard book will here October 6! I’ve been so blown away by how much readers have loved this series. And audio lovers, I haven’t forgotten you either! The audio for HARD JOB and BAD DEAL both will be out SOON–just waiting on the final files for HARD JOB and then BAD DEAL will follow soon. Paperback lovers looking to add to your collections for the upcoming holidays will want to check out Jan’s Paperbacks which will ship internationally. I’m looking ahead to 2023 now, and I am happy to share that more A-List security is coming! We’ll have to see what else 2023 brings, but I’m excited by the prospect of a fresh year. Along those lines, thank you to everyone for the kind thoughts, prayers, and wishes for my mom’s cancer journey. She passed peacefully while on hospice care in August, and I miss her tremendously. Thank you to all my readers for the love for my family. I look forward to bringing us all some hopeful, distracting, big fluffy love stories in 2023 and beyond!